
Showing posts from August, 2020

How to install Python

How to install Python:- If you want to install python to window 7 and you face this type of problem then.. First off all you want to update your pc because the reason is that python requires some important frameworks and packages to run and install. The requirement are:- 1.     Your PC must install service pack1. 2.     .net framework is necessary to install and python. To check this both in your pc or not do one thing open your control panel go to programs and then program and features then you can see all your programs which install in your PC if .net frame work is there then your PC has .net frame work pre- installed   In the case if you don’t find .net framework there the you can download it from here After downloading .net frame work then install it shows like this                                  When the process of installation get completed then again open your control panel go to programs then programs and features